The Organizational Science doctoral program is an interdisciplinary program focusing on employee and organizational health, well-being, and effectiveness. Organizational Science is both a science and a practice, founded on the notion that enhanced understanding leads to applications and interventions that benefit the individual, work groups, the organization, the customer, the community, and the larger society in which the organization operates.
The program faculty (18 core members) come from (in alphabetical order): Human Resources Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Communication, Organizational Sociology and Social Psychology.
What we study…
The OS faculty and students have areas of research interest that span disciplines. What follows is a sample of some of the topics and areas that our faculty and our students have interests.
Leaders and Leadership
Groups, Teams, and Meetings
Diversity including ethnicity, gender, age, SES
Online interactions, communication technology, and artificial intelligence
Health and (dis)Ability at work
Dissent and Ethics
As an interdisciplinary program, we find that faculty and students tend to “mix and match” these core research interests. For example, “diversity in leaders of online groups” or “Health disparities in work by age and ethnicity” are examples of how students leverage faculty expertise to develop their own interdisciplinary research program.
Further, as an interdisciplinary program, we train our students in a wide variety of qualitative, quantitative, and big data analyses.
For more information…
Find out more about the Organizational Science Ph.D. program by viewing the course catalog on UNC Charlotte’s website.
Check out this article featuring our Org Sci faculty, Drs. Scott Tonidandel and George Banks: “Beyond the Survey: Using AI to evaluate and grow leader’s skills, boost team performance.”
Congratulations to Dr. George Banks as he was just named co-director of Charlotte’s new AI institute. More info can be found at Inside Charlotte.
Congtaulations to Dr. Jill Yavorsky as she was named the next Associate Director of Organizational Science.
Check out our new Org Sci newsletter for more good news!
Click to watch An introductory video explaining what Organizational Science is.
Students from various perspectives within the program share their experience.
Listen as members of our faculty discuss their perspective on the program.
To learn more about the program, please read the article published in the UNC Charlotte magazine for alumni and friends.