
The Organizational Science doctoral program is an interdisciplinary program focusing on employee and organizational health, well-being, and effectiveness. Organizational Science is both a science and a practice, founded on the notion that enhanced understanding leads to applications and interventions that benefit the individual, work groups, the organization, the customer, the community, and the larger society in which the organization operates.

The program faculty (18 core members) come from (in alphabetical order): Human Resources Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Communication, Organizational Sociology and Social Psychology.

For more information…

Find out more about the Organizational Science Ph.D. program by viewing the course catalog on UNC Charlotte’s website.

The matrix below presents a good sampling of the topics that comprise an Organizational Science PhD. Our students learn about many of these topics, and often focus extensively on 1 to 5 of them in their research.


Congratulations to Dr. Betsy Albritton for successfully defending her dissertation titled “Beyond Discrete Emotions: An Examination Of Emotional Ambivalence In Leadership.” Big shout out to her chair, Dr. Scott Tonidandel and committee members, George Banks, Janaki Gooty, and Eric Heggestad for their constructive guidance and for serving on the committee.

Congratulations to Dr. Amber Greenwood for successfully defending her dissertation, “”I’m Just So Busy:” The Creation of a Busyness Façade as an Impression Management Tactic” under the direction of Drs. Eric Heggestad and Amy Canevello, and comittee members Lisa Walker and Scott Tonidandel.

Org Sci would like to welcome our seven incoming students to the program: Jasmin Banks, Susan Lin, Elana White, Joseph Bradley, Penda Sow, Julia Oliveira and Shivani Patel!

Check out our new Org Sci newsletter for more good news!

Click to watch An introductory video explaining what Organizational Science is.

Students from various perspectives within the program share their experience.

Listen as members of our faculty discuss their perspective on the program.

To learn more about the program, please read the article published in the UNC Charlotte magazine for alumni and friends.